You made a pandemic pivot and created a tech modernization plan. But now you have to ask: is my technology still serving the needs of our employees and customers? Will my planning from 3 years ago hold up for the next five? If retailers and quick service restaurants hope to stay competitive, they need to reassess their tech roadmap to ensure it works for the long run. It starts with one of the most critical parts of any business, the employee and consumer experience.

This webinar brings together a panel of industry experts to discuss the best ways to assess your tech roadmap to ensure it will continue to meet the evolving expectations of employees and customers. Learn how to choose the right tech to future-proof your business, as our panel examines the current tech trends across retail and restaurants and offers critical questions to ask when planning a tech transformation. In this session, you’ll learn how to:

- Overcome the labor crunch with technology
- Build customer trust with improved tech
- Assess your current modernization plan
- Take next steps to update your tech

Hosted By Point B

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