Competing to Win In a Decade of Disruption
Bank executives know what macro trends show: The banking landscape is rapidly evolving, with both seismic and subtle shifts that will define winners and losers over the next 10 years.

The rapid growth of non-traditional entrants is redefining the marketplace by providing new ways of doing business driven by innovative and integrated technology. Consumers and SMBs are embracing them, adopting services from both neobanks and fintech companies and establishing relationships at the expense of traditional banks. In order for traditional banks to exploit the opportunities and mitigate the risks of this sea change, they need to make IT a differentiator and competitive advantage. What’s holding back many banks that know they need to change? And why are only 29 percent of FSI transformations seen as being successful by business leaders?

You will learn:

- How to get new operational value from a new operating model
- What it takes to build true IT differentiation
- Why culture and IT transformations are one and the same

Hosted By Point B

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